Fitness News

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Arnold Schwarzenegger

By 11th June 2015 No Comments

He’s the man we have watched kick ass on the big screen for decades and even try his hand at American politics. It’s clear to see that the Austrian born Arnold Schwarzenegger has truly conquered America!

And with the duo of his 68th birthday and the release of Terminator Genisys, next month, it would be rude not to have a post dedicated to the bodybuilding icon.

We didn’t want to bore you, nor insult your intelligence with a post on ‘How to get big like Arnie’. We thought we would give you something more interesting!

So here are the top 10 things you never knew about Mr Schwarzenegger…


He Holds The World Record for Most Bodybuilding Competition Wins

Schwarzenegger has won 13 major bodybuilding competitions and holds the record for winning the most in history. His awards include one Mr. Junior Western Europe, seven Mr. Olympias and five Mr. Universes.


He Turned Down Die Hard

He turned down the role of John McClane in “Die Hard,” which went to Bruce Willis instead. Funny enough, in the film Willis has a line where he says that the terrorists “have enough explosives to orbit Arnold Schwarzenegger.”


He’s a Beast! (You probably already knew this one)

At his bodybuilding peak Schwarzenegger’s chest was 57″, waist 34″, biceps 22″, thighs 28½”, calves 20″, and his competition weight was 235 lbs (260 lbs off-season).


He Once Owned Planet Hollywood with Celeb Pals

Schwarzenegger was once part-owner of Planet Hollywood along with Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Demi Moore. He went on to sell his stock share, in the restaurant chain, in 2000.


He Used Steroids

Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to having used steroids, when they were still legal, although he strongly denies using them for muscle growth. Despite the rumours at the time, however, his history of heart problems stemmed from a condition that Schwarzenegger was born with, not from his use of steroids.


He Saved a Man From Drowning

At the time Schwarzenegger was just enjoying some time out on the beaches of Hawaii, when a man reported experiencing cramps while he was swimming in the ocean.

Instead of drowning, this man was brought ashore in the Governor’s strong, determined arms, also known as his “pythons”. After the victim expressed distress, Arnold pulled both the swimmer and his boogie board about 100 yards to safety.


He Broke Into Gyms to Workout

His obsession with success has been driving Arnie since a young age, as he would feel sick when he didn’t maintain his intense workout schedule.

When the weekends would roll around and the local gym was closed, Arnold confessed to breaking into the gym in order to maintain his routine, setting the tone for his later run-in with military law in his quest for the best chest.


He Has Been In Jail

In an ESPN documentary, it’s revealed that his determination – successful in winning him the Mr. Universe and Mr Olympia titles before becoming a blockbuster Hollywood star – also ended up landing him in an Austrian Army jail for leaving the service in order to compete in the Junior Mr. Europe contest.

Army representatives released him quickly, perhaps after he ripped his shirt off and flexed as part of his legal defense.


He Nearly Changed That Famous Line

His famous line “I’ll be back” from 1984’s “The Terminator” was originally written as “I’ll come back.” This was quickly changed by the director James Cameron.

But in a recent interview, the 67-year-old, revealed that if it was up to him, the line would have been a little bit different.

‘It was “I’ll be back” and I wanted to change it to “I will be back,”‘ he said, before explaining that director Cameron fought tooth and nail against the change.


He Gets His Five a Day!

According to comedic actor and best friend, Tom Arnold, Arnie typically prefers to have sex five times a day, not only to satiate his gargantuan thirst for life, but also as a means of ensuring his physical fitness.

“He does have a lot of needs and he believes it’s all part of the fitness,” Tom Arnold stated to the media, before explaining that five times a day is a “good number”.

You can catch Arnie in Terminator: Genisys at the end of this month!